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16 junho 2005


Começa a odisséia escrita por James Joyce. Stephen Dedalus está na torre Martello discutindo com Malachi Mulligan.
cor - branco e ouro
referência homérica - Telêmaco
Ciência/arte - Teologia

Trecho da Obra
Malachi Mulligan e Stephen Dedalus:

He turned abruptly his grey searching eyes from the sea to Stephen's

-The aunt thinks you killed your mother, he said. That's why she won't
let me have anything to do with you.

-Someone killed her, Stephen said gloomily.

-You could have knelt down, damn it, Kinch, when your dying mother asked
you, Buck Mulligan said. I'm hyperborean as much as you. But to think of
your mother begging you with her last breath to kneel down and pray for
her. And you refused. There is something sinister in you ...


Na casa número 7 da rua Eccles, Leopold Bloom prepara o café da manhã. Bloom come um rim de porco tostado e prepara-se para ir ao enterro de Paddy Dignam.
cor - laranja
referência homérica - Calipso
Ciência/arte - mitologia

Trecho da Obra
Bloom e o rim:

-There's a smell of burn, she said. Did you leave anything on the fire?

-The kidney! he cried suddenly.

He fitted the book roughly into his inner pocket and, stubbing his toes
against the broken commode, hurried out towards the smell, stepping
hastily down the stairs with a flurried stork's legs. Pungent smoke shot
up in an angry jet from a side of the pan. By prodding a prong of the
fork under the kidney he detached it and turned it turtle on its back.
Only a little burnt. He tossed it off the pan on to a plate and let the
scanty brown gravy trickle over it.
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